March 30, 2015

Monday's Trend Report: The Best Fashion Advice For Your Home

The art of dressing and decorating are the biggest non-verbal ways of communication; they both tell a story of your life, communicate your personal opinions, and are used as a self reflection. So that is why I thought what better way to decorate your home then to use common fashion advice?! 

Embrace your size and shape: Be mindful of shape and scale. You don't want to look like your drowning in your maxi dress, just like you don't want a couch that takes up the entirety of your living room. It's important to establish what you want tailored and what items you can get away with not being tailored. If you have bigger shoulders you might want to think about getting your blazer tailored to you, just like if you have large windows you would want the look of tailored curtains; to enhance their shape and size. 

Mix Textures: Unless you are an Olympic gymnast, you will never leave the house in a body suit of just spandex (at least I hope not!). Just like in any space, you don't want to overuse the same texture and fabric.You may pair some leather with  linen or even a soft velvet to get more of a dynamic finished look. As you can see in the picture below there are many different textures being used in this bedroom which give the room a more dynamic and completed look. 

Edit Edit Edit: Even the best dressed women doesn't have as big of a closet as you may think. Looking the part comes back to a nice organized, edited closet. Everyone has had a day where they were caught looking into their very large, very full closet not knowing what to wear. More then likely this could have been avoided if they edited their closet. If you look at the most successful spaces you will notice that they look good not because they have everything smushed into the space, but because someone took the time to go through and figure out what was actually necessary. 

Don't be afraid to go vintage: Some of the best outfits to date are successful not because they were new and trendy but because they channeled or used a vintage piece creating a personal dialogue. Take this room for example; the use of this vintage chandelier adds this sense of history and gives the room a story to tell. 


 Invest in classics: Classics never go out of style, just like a well tailored trench coat or a truffled leather couch. When looking for classic pieces for your home, don't be afraid to look for some classic elements that have a twist. These leather chairs are the perfect classic element for this sitting area and they are well worth the investment. However, if your feeling more daring then try looking for a wing- backed chair that is upholstered in a fun, more modern fabric. 

Don't skimp on Accessories: It is the details that make both an outfit and a space feel like a completed work of art. Accessories are just as important if not more important then the bigger ticket items. It is perfectly natural to build an outfit around that chunky bold statement necklace you have been waiting to wear. Just like it is normal to build a room around that antique chandelier you found at an estate sale. Maybe you have a really cool painting that will inspire the rooms color scheme, whatever it is make sure to give it the perfect home. 

Mix high and low: Before start buying new things for your room, make a budget. It its important to understand where you will be spending more money and what items you can find at a yard sale or even the flea market. You want to make sure that the items you invest in are great quality and things you will be able to use down the road for years to come. 
I hope this advice is useful!! 

With much love, 

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